As Seen In


Founder of the “groundbreaking” and award-winning Sheridan Metageno Personality Type, James Sheridan explains below how “It’s all about PEOPLE…”

About James

James Sheridan is an award-winning and international bestselling author and speaker, award-winning copywriter, co-founder of an Inc. 5000 corporation, and consultant to clients that have included Nasdaq-listed corporations. A CPD certified trainer and psychology and history graduate. James is founder of the “groundbreaking” and award-winning Sheridan Metageno Personality Type (SMPT) system to set the new global standard in personality tests. Former Zone Sales Manager for FIAT Chrysler (youngest in their history). Former 737 airline captain and record-breaking experimental aircraft pilot. Former pro hockey player. James combines his skills, talents, and broad life experiences (detailed here) to bring clients and customers a unique, exciting, and results-based experience.



“This one course did more for me than decades of reading self-help books!”
– Michelle Smith

Training and Consulting for Corporations and Individuals

“James is a businessman for the 21st. century. Creative, intelligent, dependable and connected to the pulse of the internet community. His ability to communicate in writing sets him apart from all others who participate in these endeavors. His phrase “tangible financial benefit” resonates with all who have utilized his services and profited from the experience.” Bob Cox, former consultant to billionaires such as Harris Rosen.

James’s mission in life is to take individuals and corporations to the ultimate level of performance, with particular focus on his proprietary psychology systems, training methods, and profound philosophies.

James will help you professionally and/or personally in all matters of your life. Even health, financial, and romantic relationships. Working with a group or one on one, speaking to a large audience or in a private room.

Please enter your name and email anywhere on this page, and we will be in touch to discuss your needs.

Please enter your name and email anywhere on this page, and we will be in touch to discuss your needs.

James has a busy schedule, so it depends on the level of service needed, but we can begin exploring your options immediately with no obligation. Contact us.

An interview with James Sheridan about his life and psychology work

The solution could be just one phone call away…

“Every road we’ve taken brings us to this present moment, and it all happened for a reason. That reason is so we can each be of service, and the many interesting roads I’ve travelled have now merged into a unique and powerful service for my customers. Enter your details and let’s find out what I can do for you.” – James Sheridan.

    Areas of Expertise

    James Sheridan’s background is as eclectic as it is accomplished, and he can help you or your organization in a variety of ways you won’t expect.

    Personality Types

    James is the founder of the award-winning and “groundbreaking” Sheridan Metageno Personality Type tm (SMPT); the new global standard for understanding human purpose. Faster, more accurate, and more profound than anything else.

    Corporate Training

    An award-winning marketer, CEO, and consultant to Nasdaq-listed companies, and offering a unique “Get the Edge” exclusivity pledge, James offers your business profound improvements through tailored consulting and training.

    Human Resources

    How much is staff turnover and lack of motivation costing you? It’s as simple as making sure the right Sheridan Metageno Personality Type is in the right place. Blended with his background as a former pro hockey player and airline captain, James brings you unique team-development skills.


    Psychographics is the new demographics. Technology has never offered us such tools as today, and James’s skills and proprietary systems will plug your organization into them with a unique twist.

    Confidential One on one mentoring

    James has mentored everyone from everyday individuals right up to celebrities and CEOs, applying his Sheridan Metageno Personality Type system to the personal and professional aspects of their lives.

    Public speaking

    James is as knowledgeable as he is experienced on a wide variety of subjects, and can deliver any or all of them to your attendees in a punchy, memorable, and witty fashion. He relishes breaking down complex ideas into resonant concepts for your audience.