Type-Specific Training for Individuals and Corporations


James Sheridan and his team would love to help you in the following areas, using the groundbreaking and revolutionary SGPT system:

• Recruitment
• Management and motivation
• Sales and marketing
• Psychographics
• Public speaking

Your customers and employees are all different, but not as much as we might think. SGPT shows how each of the 14 types has a hot button and a cold button. Each type is remarkably different from other types under the surface, and each requires a special approach so they are motivated, not demotivated. The “one size fits all” approach is outdated and ineffective.


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” – Henry Ford.

Henry Ford was also famous for explaining how he didn’t always have the answers, but that he employed people who did. A rapidly-changing world with disruptive technologies and business models is an opportunity or a challenge, depending on how your position yourself and your business.

You got your business to the level of success it is today, you know what you’re doing, and you’re made of the right stuff. But sometimes it simply takes a fresh pair of eyes to help you take it to that next level. Whether you require one-on-one and/or for me to train your staff in theater or classroom, I offer packages to suit.

Training your team:

I can show your sales force a unique and proprietary way to increase efficiency and sales, by understanding their prospects better. Or I can teach any department in your organization anything you wish, with topics including motivation, psychology for success, sales and marketing, real estate, and financial markets.

“James Sheridan is the best marketer I have ever met. James returns phone calls and keeps his promises.” – Dr. Toby Unwin MBA and honorary Consul to Austria.

What is your biggest challenge? Let’s make it the next victory.

“James Sheridan’s skills made us in excess of a million dollars. He’s reliable as he is professional. When he says he’s going to do something, he does it” – Bond and Kevin Halbert.

Tailored Training

Get an exclusive edge over your competitors

“I’ve been working with James for the last couple of years now both in his capacity as a speaker at our seminars and a writer is second to none.” John Harrison.

What is it costing you to not find out more?

Free consultation to explore

“James has been a financial advisors dream, a skilled and creative author that is financially successful. The works to date are amazingly popular around the World enabling good profits for James and a great read for the buyer.” – Robert Pola, FCA

Register For Training and Consulting

We have a range of programs to suit. Please register to begin your journey with us!

As Seen In
