Please play above video BEFORE reading!

Dogma deafens, so be mindful of your thoughts as you search for your Genetype. Please read this notice carefully because it’s not only for show; it’s based on years of working with people:

If you’ve flicked ahead to this section without watching all previous lectures and especially the briefing in the slides before this, you are unprepared and have a high chance of failure to find the Genetype living inside your subconscious! Your patience and diligence will be worth it. Remember: your ego does NOT want you to find this other identity within you- this represents a challenge to its perceived authority over you!


Why do I keep repeating these warnings? Long experience!

“No one really wants anyone to know who they really are. They want to maintain how they appear. However, as you have learned, it takes an enormous amount of energy to keep up this ongoing image. This is the point where you want to release that energy.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Open your mind, gag your ego, and feel with your gut.

If you and I were alone together in a room, I could tell you your Genetype in under ten minutes, but without that luxury I need to prepare you for the common traps I’ve witnessed people fall into during my seminars, research, and consultations, and the hot tips I gave them.

You’re about to bump into yourself in the mirror, and you might not like it when you uncover some of what’s been hiding there all these years. But that’s okay. In fact, that’s how you know you’ve probably found yourself, and we all have inherent flaws, as you will soon see. Imperfection is what makes us human. Don’t let a mis- match between self-perception and your Genetype’s profile throw you off the scent of truth.


• Remember that your Genetype is you but it is also something separate to you, something inside you that was there before your birth, a possessing identity. I know that sounds strange, but you’ll see more truth in this later in the course, and backed up by much greater minds than mine!

• Stay focused on the imminent goal, which is purely to identify your Genetype. If another Genetype profile appalls you, don’t get hung up on it, simply move on and worry about your own Genetype before those of others.

• I’m about to present you with the seven female Genetypes and the seven male Genetypes. Feel free to read both sexes and embrace however you identify your journey. It’s not fashionable to separate males and females, but it is a biological fact that the two sexes are simply born with different chromosomes, and recall that I’m focusing on your biological self. The other reason for dividing into sexes is to make it quicker for you to identify your true self; this way there are only seven to choose from instead of fourteen. Sex is separate to gender or sexual orientation, so please put these aspects to one side because I am not making any political statements here or trying to secretly replace broken panes of glass in the ceiling! Nor does this division into sexes attempt to portray females as having less important roles than males. Each Genetype profile has a number of sections that I’ve perfected to be in a certain order designed to communicate with your true self and to dodge your constantly judging, comparing, and insecure ego. It’s vitally important you think objectively, so I’ve refrained from giving each Genetype a name other than a simple code such as FG-7 (Female Genetype 7).

• Finding your Genetype can surprise you in that it’s a fully formed alternative belief system to the one you might currently use. The trouble with such a “shock and awe” tactic is that it can trigger fear (your ego’s inbuilt defense system), so don’t be surprised if you involuntarily pause or click off when you find your Genetype. That’s just your ego realizing it is about to lose the game and running off with the soccer ball before the final whistle can be blown, like a child. Simply return to the page later on with a glass of wine as your wingman, and finish what you started, because you were most likely on the path of truth. Truth doesn’t care about being popular, but it will set you free.

• Treat this as an elimination game. Cast out the “deal breakers” first, the Genetypes that couldn’t possibly be you, being honest with yourself, and then zoom in on the remaining candidates. Be careful, though, not to hastily cast out your true Genetype just because you don’t want to be that person! You may have to accept the one that is most like you, allowing the odd anomaly and being satisfied with a 95% match. Be truthful, and whichever Genetype remains, however bad it makes you feel or however “ridiculous” or “inappropriate” or “politically incorrect” or “so unlike you and your life” it seems, you have probably found yourself.

• Your Genetype shows up when under pressure. Something a crisis teaches you is that your true self shows its face under pressure, so a good test of the Genetype you think you are will be to reflect on how you acted under pressure in your past. Under the most pressured human circumstances, such as prison life or being a stranded survivor of a crash, true selves surface and prevail as humans uncannily default back to a natural organizational structure, because our ancient genes kick in when it counts most.

• Read with your heart, not your head. Suspend skepticism and judgments. You’re not writing a review; you’re trying to discover yourself. If this quest goes south, I guarantee it will likely be because you used your head instead of your heart. For the reader who has a high opinion of their intellect, for now, let it go.

• HOTTEST TIP: Ask the person who knows you the most and who is not afraid to point out your flaws. Parents and long-term partners are often adept at finding Genetypes of those close to them (just as you did in the previous exercise!). I’ve witnessed this many times in focus groups and seminars where couples attended. Just be sure it’s done in a constructive way, appreciating that we all have flaws.


• The most harmful lies are ultimately the ones we tell ourselves. This first point is the biggest trap people fall into: wishful thinking. Our perception of ourselves is rarely based on reality. Be careful you’re not saying to yourself, “That’s not who I am” when in fact you should be saying, “That’s not who I want to be!” Also, don’t align your current or desired vocation with what you see in a certain Genetype profile. You must become a blank page for this exercise. For example, if you’re a writer or wish to become one and you come across a Genetype that seems to obviously have the purpose of being a writer, that does not mean you have found the right Genetype! But nor should you rule it out. Ignore what you want to be true. You must empty your mind and open it fully for this process to work.

• Expect to be torn between two Genetypes. This is common, but there will be something about one of them that doesn’t ring true when you examine it in its entirety. Read them both carefully, casting aside wishful thinking. You’ll perceive the wrong Genetype as more likable or “cooler” than the other, and you’ll want this to be your Genetype. But ask yourself, which one of the two makes you (the false you) feel most uncomfortable? Which one scares you the most? That will probably be your Genetype.

• Don’t latch onto the first tiny detail that you identify with. For example, if you’re an animal lover, don’t simply pick the Genetype that appears to love animals. It’s about getting to the core of the Genetype, the sum of all the parts.

• Identifying your Genetype is merely a means to end: to derive your purpose in life, to make you happy. If the shoe fits, then ignore the social narrative du jour however much your true self contradicts it. Political correctness, by definition, is nurture and, not to discount its function, has no bearing on your true self.

• Don’t identify only with all the good points of all the Genetypes. This is simply an attempt to ignore your inherent flaws. You’ll find a little piece of yourself in all the Genetypes, but your true Genetype will have at least one defining and dominant characteristic, which you may or may not like. Follow the path in this direction, however bad it smells.

Ready to go?

Let’s do this…!

Female Genetype 1 (FG-1)

Genetype summary:
You are compassion incarnate. You derive genuine happiness from nurturing, healing, and helping others. If you have children, they become your identity, even as they become adults. Motherhood and a sense of duty are what it’s all about for you, but you could equally show the same compassion for a needy stranger as you would for your child. Nurturing others gives you pure joy, the bitter and the sweet this task carries. Selfishness in others appalls you. You’re “a ray of sunshine” to those you come into contact with, and “an angel” to those you care for. This dominant driver of your personality often means you have trouble refusing the distress calls of others, especially your children, meaning you can take on too much at once, and this can lead to stress, worry, and oversensitivity, as well as enabling those others to remain needy or to take advantage of your good nature. You don’t see yourself as dependent, but your very nature makes you dependent on others so you can care for them. You need to be needed.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
Up until the part I asked you to look inward, you’ve been assimilating the information out of interest for people in general and what you can learn about them in order to help them, especially your children, but you felt uncomfortable any time I directed self-analysis at you. This is precisely because of your genuinely altruistic disposition, but it could be your undoing from the perspective of finding yourself. You may have skipped this section to search for the Genetypes of others. Your type often struggles to see their Genetype, and your ego will frequently choose type 7 to evade the process.

People say about you:
You’re such a great listener, and kind and generous. You’re deeply committed to your family, especially children. You perhaps prefer to stay home too much. Those closest to you see a paradox: sometimes, hanging above your radiant compassion is a persistent dark cloud, an inexplicable sorrow that some interpret as negativity.

• Being helpless to protect your child
• Not being needed, being abandoned by those in your care
• Losing the child or patient in your care; your identity
• Being told that being over caring is enabling the condition instead of fixing it

Not to be confused with:
FG-7 (This is a common confusion, usually because your ego is trying to divert you. FA7 is partner focused, whereas you are more child/patient focused)

Female Genetype 2 (FG-2)

Genetype summary:
You’re a problem solver. Enigmatic, wise, and in control of your emotions, you gravitate to the proving grounds dominated by males to show that you can do anything they can do, only better. You’re a strategic thinker and a great judge of character, adding your female intuition to the often predominantly male team you fight for. You abhor anything that attempts to portray females as weaker than males or disadvantaged or different compared to them. You perceive that sort of thinking as holding you back and encouraging males to give you special treatment and handicaps. Compete, fight, prove, overcome challenges, that’s you. Fancy car, top hotels, and symbols of victory are probably required. You could accomplish any goal you turn your mind to. You’re not competing with males to prove females are equal; you’re doing it to show that you are better than equal, that you are the exception. And you often are.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You’re a keen learner, always hungry for knowledge because you understand that knowledge is power you can use to win. The female Genetypes aren’t nearly as interesting to you as the males, and you likely study the male Genetypes to scan for people you know so you can forge alliances with them to get ahead in what you perceive as a male-dominated jungle. You prefer this use of the course far more than for introspection.

People say about you:
They see you as the professional you are: dressed to impress, efficient, and smart. They sense plans going on behind the stoic eyes, and they wonder if those plans involve them. Other females are either impressed by your ability to remain calm or are baffled by what they perceive is a lack of emotion, so they often try to loosen you up with partying. If other females could only see how much you could help if they were on your team, perhaps if they hired your services, then they would see your value. Others see you as competitive, and this can cause a strain on friendships, especially if your need to compete drives you to flaunt material trophies, but they don’t understand that you mean no harm, that this is simply your nature. Females notice how unashamedly magnetized to powerful males you are, not always appreciating that you see this as a strategic move, and not necessarily to date them. But in any case, you really only care how males view you, “Father’s Daughter” that you are.

• Losing at anything
• Not being accepted by the men on your team
• Betrayal or rejection by your team
• Being given special treatment at work for being a female

Not to be confused with:
FG-5 and A-Type Nurture (explained in following section)

Female Genetype 3 (FG-3)

Genetype summary:
You’re a free spirit, sensitive to energy, other people, and animals. You’re immune to the material trappings that tempt most other people, and you enjoy simplicity. This sensitivity to energy also means you can feel the pain and fear of others, and this can be too much for you to bear, so you often withdraw from life and public to escape it. Otherwise you’ll try to please everyone in an attempt to ease their suffering, often becoming a “chameleon” to keep The Energy Field undisturbed, but when you do this too much you snap. Marriage and children aren’t off the table, nor are they a priority. You often require solitude, and a place to call home is your anchor. You’re the first person in a group to show interest upon presentation of a Ouija board, tarot cards, or astrology charts. Your connection to The Energy Field blesses you with the gift of creativity. You take pleasure in preparing and presenting a meal in your home for
family and friends. Eager to listen and empathize but not easily swayed or pressured by other Genetypes, resolute wholeness and abstract wisdom waits for activation beneath your endearingly kooky demeanor.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You’re intrigued and enthralled by the possibility of a personality blueprint being handed down from an ancient past. You sense that we are somehow not alone, that some kind of energy exists and flows through the universe and between people, so you’re immediately attracted to anything that might explain and enhance the rich inner world you love to retreat to.

People say about you:
They sometimes wonder if you’re smoking something, but they love you for it anyway. Sometimes you might actually be smoking something because you could see drugs as a way to open gateways to The Infinite and to silence the pain of others you sense and feel. Your leisurely and linear pace can sometimes infuriate others, but you won’t be rushed, and you’ll have a smile on your face, regardless. They wonder how you remain so calm and unaffected by modern life and trappings when they are so stressed, and they envy and admire you for this, not appreciating how much of other people’s problems you can take on underneath that tranquil veneer. Literally or figuratively, you’re the proverbial woman who lives alone in the woods, growing herbs and playing with animals, a gypsy, a kind witch. Unadulterated beings, such as children and animals, gravitate to you, sensing your deep connection to The Energy Field.

• Loss of the ability to access solitude (not freedom as much as solitude)
• Disconnection from the spiritual world
• Loss of your home, your escape, your private space
• The Rat Race and material trappings
• Someone else controlling you, keeping tabs on you, confining you

Not to be confused with:

Female Genetype 4 (FG-4)

Genetype summary:
You have feline grace, both male and female heads turning in your wake as you gracefully conceal the power and joy that being the center of attention brings you. You know their convenient stereotype of “bimbo,” but you also know the truth is quite the opposite—that you’re an intelligent, strong-willed, and very creative woman. You do want the world to recognize you, though. You could be many things if you’d only see them through, but the fun is in the creating, not so much the completion. You’re a born actress who loves the spotlight and camera, and the spotlight and camera love you back; there’s a star-quality energy about you. But there’s a paradox in this paragon: you enjoy the thrill of the chase as much as the idea of finding the perfect partner. You probably have more pink and/or leopard-print clothing and accessories than most.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You’ve quickly and merrily identified yourself here. The creative side of you appreciates the concepts presented so far, and if you’ve been confused about the unprovoked animosity from other females you’ve endured your whole life, then you’ve felt a weight lift as you learned why and that it’s not personal. You care about your relationships, and you’ll study the Genetypes with a view to being able to manipulate them or improving your romantic relationships with them.

People say about you:
Your ears have been burning for millennia, but there’s no such thing as bad publicity, right? Females often feel threatened by your sexuality, instantly becoming territorial over their partners from seeing you as a predator, a husband-stealer. It’s convenient for females to brand you as a slut/bimbo/jezebel/harlot/femme fatale or plain “bitch,” but, yawn, that’s something you’ve had to deal with since childhood, only now you can perhaps understand why. Other females don’t understand the power you have over men, they assume it’s just men being “gawking pigs.” You inspire others to explore their sexuality and embrace it, not suppress it.

• Losing your looks
• Rejection of any kind
• Having your sexuality compromised in any way
• Losing the spotlight

Not to be confused with:
Additionally, caution: do not fall into the all-too-common wishful thinking trap of wanting this to be your Genetype. We live in a superficial society!

Female Genetype 5 (FG-5)

Genetype summary:
You are fearless and focused, capable of achieving a multitude of goals with vigor. But what it’s really about is independence and equality for all, protecting those who need protecting with pen or sword, standing on the wall between the vulnerable and those who would oppress them. It’s as if you’re on permanent standby, poised to strike at threats to the weak, the minority, or the vulnerable. You may have an androgynous and/or Amazonian appearance, sometimes straddling the line between the masculine and the feminine, but not detracting from your attractiveness, leaving you occasionally uncertain about where and how you fit in with society. You’re not particularly concerned with the latest fashions. You probably have good hand-eye coordination. You’re not the stay-at-home type, and you likely appreciate nature and the planet, especially exploring and protecting it. Being the sole guardian heroine can be a lonely affair, and other Genetypes often don’t appreciate what a debt they owe your type and how much work still lies ahead for you.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
If you’re concerned and suspicious presenting personality types, congratulations, you’ve likely found your Genetype. CAUTION: you are the most resistant of all the types to this process because you are hypersensitive to anything perceived as dividing people into groups! You want equality for all, and we are all equal, but each of us have different gifts- even genetic science knows this now. IMPORTANT: I know you’re worrying about how the other female Genetypes are portrayed here—that’s your nature— but please only focus on your Genetype. The objective is to find your purpose in life, and if you’re agitated by this process, then, ironically, you are seeing your purpose in action before your eyes! If none of this resonates with you, move along because this is not the Genetype you’re looking for. Only an FG-5 will know what I’m talking about.

People say about you:
It depends on who is saying it. The Female Genetypes that need protecting the most will be grateful for your protection and can make good friends even though they won’t identify with the causes that you do, unless it suits a particular agenda of theirs. Most females are stunned at the fact that you won’t be afraid to walk down a dark alley at night, and they admire this fearlessness and how self-sufficient you are. They sometimes see you as distant, not appreciating how determined and singular you can be about goals and how serious your role as protector can be, the protection that granted them the freedom and safety they enjoy. But also, in your furious protection of the “villagers,” they see you as sometimes blinded to the danger of burning down the “village” in the process. Be careful not to cross the line between defending and attacking.

• Losing the ability to fend for yourself and to protect yourself from danger
• Not being able to protect a woman or child who was in danger
• Losing at anything, not being equal to or better than others in anything

Not to be confused with:

Female Genetype 6 (FG-6)

Genetype summary:
Forever young, inside and outside, you don’t let the daily drudgery of life get you down, happy in your innocent bubble. Being oblivious to the danger in the world gives you a sense of being immune to The Big Bad Wolf, it makes you confident, and it’s seductive to others as you appear to have all the answers. A playful and innocent child in an adult’s body, you want your friends to stay in “Never-Never” land with you, putting marriage and children on constant postponement. But the delightful childlike character often has the consequences of being dependent on others to make decisions for you and look after you, making you vulnerable to evil and wrong- doing. You often attract a protective friend because of this, like the characters in Ridley Scott’s film Thelma and Louise, with you as Thelma. The best stories resonate with us because of believable characters we recognize from daily life, and your Genetype is unwittingly used frequently by writers because of the inherent suspense created by your innocence meeting insidious danger, from Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to Little Red Riding Hood.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
Because of your carefree nature, I’d be surprised if you weren’t only reading a course like this now because you’ve reached a point in your life where you realize you’re “not in Kansas anymore” or can no longer afford to be in “Kansas.” Either you’ve witnessed danger or the danger of being dependent on others. In any case, you’re through the looking glass now, and you sense the need to grow and reach your full potential, to awaken. Your Genetype has change built in; change is the inevitable and irresistible part of your nature, and a great gift awaits you if you can muster the bravery required to stand on your own two feet.

People say about you:
You’re a free spirit, a joy to be around. You will attract friends who want to protect you as well as friends who want to be more like you, all of whom can sometimes become irritated by having to pick up the pieces. Your relationship with your mother is particularly important to you, and you will do almost anything to keep in her good graces. You’re a partygoer and you crave attention. You’re flighty, jumping on new trends, changing your image as frequently as you change your circle of friends and relationships.

• Making your own decisions and becoming independent (when still in “Kansas”)
• Your mother’s disapproval and/or lack of support
• Loss of freedom, stuck in drudgery of life, being controlled
• Confronting The Big Bad Wolf you’ve always suspected is out there somewhere (when still in “Kansas”)

Not to be confused with:

Female Genetype 7 (FG-7)

Genetype summary:
You’re a matriarchal figure, a no-nonsense leader, and a “queen” who wishes to reign alongside another as equal partners. Tough and capable, you’re a woman who requires respect and watches over her family and/or professional subordinates if you have no family. Your identity is wrapped up entirely in your family, especially your romantic partner; their career is your career, and you loyally stand at their side for better or worse. You are a champion of marriage and fidelity. If your partner was unfaithful, you’d blame the other party before your partner. If you chose a partner wisely, you idolize them. If you have yet to find The One or if you have lost your One, you would instead divert this energy into your children, or to your own corporation, or any form of surrogate family you could rule over and support. Once your partner is finally found, your previously plain attire is suddenly forsaken for a tasteful image that matches the needs of their career. You will fight for anyone who needs your strength, even if outside your family, especially a child. You keep a clean and orderly home. You treat your partner’s family in equal stature to your own, and if your partner came with children from a previous marriage, you would love those children as if from your own womb. You’re happy with a simple life.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You’ve particularly seen the value in this section that lists all the Genetypes because you’ve been searching for your partner and family members here so you can better support them, or, if you’ve yet to find The One, you now have the best guide map to find someone suitable. If you’ve been in an unhappy marriage, you may now also see that, horror of horrors, you married the wrong Genetype—a partner not best suited to live up to the demeanor you require of someone to idolize. You feel empowered by knowing everyone else’s Genetype because it gives you a mechanism to better support the members of your family and reign as the omnipotent “queen” you strive to be.

People say about you:
However much others may complain about you butting into their business or being overly controlling, it’s you they turn to for advice, and they love how you’re always there for them when they need you. Additionally, they snigger about how much you idolize your partner or have such a devout quest to find them, yet they also secretly admire the tradition and romance of the notion. You make it your business to know everyone else’s business, but that’s a matriarch’s job: to maintain order in the group by knowing who’s doing what and passing judgment with your word as law.

• Not finding The One or losing them once found
• Your partner ruling over you, above you, instead of with you and at your side
• Losing your family, and especially losing control over them

Not to be confused with:
FG-1 (she is child focused, whereas you are more partner focused. This common confusion often occurs after divorce/loss of your partner, so you divert your huge amount of loving focus onto the children as a substitute, thus distancing you from your true self who is more about partnering, perhaps also making you cynical about having a new partner).
A-Type Nurture (explained in following section).

Male Genetype 1 (MG-1)

Genetype summary:
You’re a problem-solver, driven by logic. Many people focus on their professional life, but for you it is your life, and happily so. You’re focused and driven, making you adept at accomplishing goals but more comfortable as management, freelance, or professional rather than going all the way to owner/CEO of a corporation/organization. You’re the perfect wingman and a loyal senior manager. You act as if the organization you work for is your own, setting the bar for yourself and others, and making you the employee that organizations dream about. You’re why they invented the desk planner, and you’re likely to take your business cards on vacation. You are strategic, a logical planner, and a team player. A map of cause and effect guides your path, making the game of life seem obvious to you. Smart, orderly, and wise, you are the backbone of today’s organizations.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You likely and rightly saw this as useful for marketing, recruitment, training, management, and your own personal advancement. When you get to the next parts of the course, you’ll be reading with a view to understanding people in your organization rather than under- standing yourself. You want order, making you motivated to settle disputes, and you’ll likely see this course as a good tool for making sides see common ground and to understand that we are all different with different needs, often emotional based, as hard as that may be for you to swallow.

People say about you:
People look up to you at work, your superiors respect you, and competing organizations headhunt you. You can be competitive in a calm and healthy way, provided that arrogance doesn’t creep into the exchange. You’re sometimes perceived as fake if you schmooze too hard, but people also expect a degree of that in the corporate world. They like how you don’t threaten them by not standing out too much in the workplace; you integrate and blend with the team. The opinion of people in the professional world is all that’s relevant to you, so all is well. In your personal life you can be seen as lacking spontaneity and passion, somewhat withdrawn and robotic. Your family wishes they could feel closer to you, wanting you to let your hair down more, express emotions, and to not be so rigid or even pompous. More spontaneous Genetypes can feel very confined around you. You struggle to relax and be on vacation. But when faced with a situation, family members are reminded of how you can be counted on, always there for them with the wisdom of Solomon, keen to assist with your skills and knowledge.

• Chaos, lack of structure and routine
• Losing your job or ability to do it; losing respect from col- leagues
• Emotions of yourself or others, dealing with overemotional people
• Retirement, stillness

Not to be confused with:
MG-7 (check carefully for the subtle but significant differences as this is a common confusion)
A-Type Nurture (explained in following section).

Male Genetype 2 (MG-2)

Genetype summary:
Driven by a need for knowledge and understanding of the world, you require solitude to reflect and be alone with your thoughts. And the more you know of the world, the more you feel the need to withdraw from it; the drama, the hypocrisy, the brutality, the superficiality, it appalls you. You see what a long way the species still has to go, and you worry the malaise will burn you up, so you take refuge in your home. Your home is your castle, your laboratory, your watchtower, your bunker, and it’s where you want to spend most of your time. If some kind of drama forces you to step out of your reclusive lifestyle, trouble can lie ahead, but you’re happy to leave the home to travel to strange new lands, to learn and explore. You sense there is something else out there, perhaps other dimensions, and spirituality appeals to your nature. You’re an intelligent and particular man who loves to read and to live inside your head, but the combination of this and your solitude can lead to disconnection from reality and to eccentricity, so you struggle with balance and the paradox of withdrawing from what it is you’re philosophizing about.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
There’s a paradox in how you want answers, but if you found them the quest would be over, and you live for the quest, so it behooves you to retain an aftertaste of skepticism in any study. You could see this as a way to help you understand better why some people behave as they do, why they can sometimes be so annoying and illogical (to you). But this would require you to drop the skepticism that perpetually plays in the background and to actually apply the ideas instead of merely internalizing a theoretical critique.

People say about you:
They might see you as distant and aloof, even plain and unfashionable (not that you care about fashion), but that’s because they don’t have the opportunity of knowing you better. If they’re allowed to peer into your sacred den, the average person might see you as eccentric or weird and somewhat disorganized, but the people who would be true friends or lovers see an endearing cave of intrigue and would appreciate the multilayered individual you are. Those who are exposed to your philosophies and theories can have their lives changed forever, potentially drawing a great following or even changing the world.

• Living among “the masses” and as one of them
• Loss of home and solitude
• Invasion of privacy, socially and legally
• Becoming totally detached from reality

Not to be confused with:

Male Genetype 3 (MG-3)

Genetype summary:
Driven by creativity, you identify with your emotions, and these emotions sometimes overwhelm you; you lose control of them as if another entity has possessed you, especially if you aren’t expressing them through a creative outlet. When that entity has departed, you wonder what happened and perhaps even what you said, often to those closest to you. But there is an upside equally as powerful, a blessing to match the curse: a vivid imagination, The Energy Field using you as a creative channel to speak through. You like to disrupt the status quo, indiscriminately challenge any consensus, and wake people up. Passionate and spontaneous, intimidating and invasive, your eyes say it all: mysterious, intense, soulful, and ready to burn into foes, real or imagined. You probably like to wear loose or comfortable clothes before fashionable ones, ideally both. You sense a connection with energy and other dimensions, and you enjoy nature. Reflect closely on your childhood and what you loved doing and were good at, because your creative nature may have been long buried by societal pressure and ego.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You know you’re unpredictable, but you secretly perceive this as power, keeping people guessing, nobody quite getting your number, so you’re outraged to find me nailing your no-longer mysterious personality so precisely.

People say about you:
They sense the urgency underlining every word you say, as if your every exchange is life or death, animated and emphatic. Females can be moths to the flame. You’re an intensely passionate and romantic lover. You can be spontaneous and wild, heart of a party or a night out. Or you can be solemn and moody, dragging others down with you. But variety is the spice of life, and this is what makes you exciting.

• Criticism
• Plagiarism of your work (if in a creative job)
• The Muse abandoning you (if in a creative job)
• Monotony

Not to be confused with:

Male Genetype 4 (MG-4)

Genetype summary:
You’re immune to society’s pressure on males to gain wealth and success, and you’re too intrigued with women and partying to care. You don’t need male friendships because women are preferred company for you. Most men love women, but not the way you do; you take it to a different level and from a different perspective. Women fascinate you, you see beauty in some form in all women, and you worship them. You embolden women and raise their self- esteem. Just because you relate to women so well doesn’t mean you aren’t masculine inside and out, and it has nothing to do with gender or sexual preference; you simply love women. This affinity and fascination with women makes you naturally do something that most other males can’t or won’t do: you listen to them. And that endears you to women, as does your sensitivity to energy; you can see into their hearts as other women can, you loosen them up, and you’ve probably been told you’re psychic more than once in your life. You’re a smooth-talking gentleman.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You’ll care about the section on Female Genetypes more than your own, more than any other section in this course. You’d love the playboy lifestyle, but that requires wealth and success, and this often remains a pipe dream for you. But you’ve also been intrigued by the idea of shunning fame and fortune in favor of finding your purpose in life because this principle aligns with your own and is refreshing to hear in this materialistic culture.

People say about you:
You’re great to talk to, fun to be around, and often found laughing among a huddle of women at any party. Others, men especially, can see you as a dropout, a dreamer, or an anarchist, but they speak the language of patriarchy, and that is not your language. You don’t follow rules happily, and some can find that frustrating. You just need a goal that aligns with your nature—we all do—but yours requires more searching to fathom. Depending on the female Genetype, the opinion of certain women will vary wildly.

• Any event that deprives you of access to women
• Males seeing you as inferior, effeminate, or a “loser”
• Work of a repetitive nature, unless it involves partying with women (illuminating an ominous career option)

Not to be confused with:

Male Genetype 5 (MG-5)

Genetype summary:
Forever young and carefree, and if others want to grow up, that’s their problem and their boring life, something they’re reminded of when they come to you—a great friend—to unwind or find where the party’s at. You prank and play, and you encourage others to loosen up. You have little interest in the trappings of life because that’s exactly what they are to you: trappings, and they represent responsibilities and commitments. Anything that would tie you down, possibly even romantic entanglements, represent a potential threat to your freedom and playtime. Life is supposed to be fun, and you dress accordingly. The world is your playground, and children gravitate toward you for it. In fact, you have retained many aspects of your childhood, good and bad, while others lost them as they entered adulthood. A child is innocent, curious, loving, and fun. So are you.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You have the wonderful imagination and curiosity of a child, so you’re excited about the possibilities and adventure of finding purpose, and you identify with the idea of that being more important than the mindless acquisition of wealth. You enjoy learning new ideas because you scramble to make sense of the world and create mental models for everything, so you see this as a useful way of learning and passing on some of these tips to others.

People say about you:
You have infectious enthusiasm, playfulness, and sometimes excessive boldness. You can be charming and mischievous, eavesdropping and telling stories, sometimes living in a fantasy world. They’re curious about your dress sense, sometimes seeing it as inappropriate or unprofessional, not that you’d care.

• Loss of freedom, being tied down and trapped
• Being loaded down with responsibilities and commitments
• Becoming severely sick, elderly, or disabled
• Boredom, monotony, hard work, wearing suits or uniforms, and working in a cubicle; strictness and rigidly structured environments

Not to be confused with:

Male Genetype 6 (MG-6)

Genetype summary:
In the moment, in your body, in the fight, you care little for tomorrow or career. You are a fearless protector who will readily take up a cause, although there is simple joy in a battle without a cause or even by rebelling against a cause. You walk through life on a knife edge, scanning for danger, so you could spring into action and test your bodily skills. Most males loved Han Solo in Star Wars, but you identified with him most; you “prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around.” Diplomacy can only go so far, and you live for the moment they push the panic button so your phone will ring. Yours is the wrong house to break into, a truly bad day for the invader. You are a very literal man, and life is simple for you: fight until the death. Your lust for guts and glory makes risk and action appeal to you. You’re spontaneous and drawn to danger.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You want victory, so you will use this course as your spear and shield to compete and win at The Game of Life. There is little duality in you, if any at all. You have found yourself here, and you are proud to be this Genetype. This has confirmed and validated everything you suspected was true about yourself, only now it has definition. You may have scanned the other Genetypes for threats or opportunities to be victorious over anyone you see as an enemy. You want to ferociously protect your friends and family, so perhaps you will search for them here so you can see their weaknesses and better equip them for life’s battles.

People say about you:
You’re such a singular person, there are no surprises in how others see you, and you care little about what they say. The practical way you often dress reflects this indifference, preferring combat shorts or a utility belt over a suit. People sense itchy trigger fingers, and they can become quickly intimidated.

• Disability
• Failing at defending those you love
• Losing any battle, especially physical • Being a corporate “drone”

Not to be confused with:

Male Genetype 7 (MG-7)

Genetype summary:
You’re a born leader. You are a tower of confidence and a Renaissance man, multitalented, always striving to be the best and to have the best. You need to be the man in charge, in both your professional and personal life, and anything other than first place is abhorrent to you. Anyone who challenges your power or position will incur your displeasure, and justifiably so, you believe. You care about your family but don’t know how to show them emotions and love—you see that as weakening your power—so you use gifts to do the job, or a promise of something in the future if you’re broke, or your partner. You “rule” over a black and white world, the masses “either with you or against you,” on an endless quest for more and more power or achievement, and you often succeed, thanks to your aptitudes, confidence, and charm.

How you’ve likely felt about this course so far:
You have little or no duality, which is what makes you a confident leader, so you don’t see anything wrong in what I say about you, even when I directly point out your flaws. Your response will be to say, “Well, if other people hadn’t acted that way, then I wouldn’t have to act that way.”

People say about you:
It depends where you sit on the leadership-style spectrum, with Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler as its two extremes. On the Gandhi side: “I owe him everything. What an inspirational leader.” On the Hitler side: “He’s a deluded and egotistical megalomaniac who will never admit he’s wrong. How can we humiliate him and make him eat his words?” Now choose your desired position on the Gandhi-Hitler scale, and you shall choose what people say about you.

• Being a king without a “crown”; you generally need money and/or power
• Losing control of everything and everyone, especially a daughter
• Disrespect; challenge of your power
• Showing emotions; you see emotions as weakness

Not to be confused with:
MA1 (a common confusion, so play careful attention to the subtle but significant differences)
A-Type Overlay (A very common confusion, see next section).