Orlando Life Coach

To Claim Your Best Life, Hire the Best Life Coach in Orlando

Orlando Life Coach

Despite the sunny weather here in ‘The City Beautiful’ known as Orlando, there’s still potential for life to feel ugly…

… or to feel as lost as a tourist on International Drive…

… or to get constantly and “mysteriously” blindsided by life’s thunderstorms…

… or for your life-goal completion dates to be as elusive as those of roadworks on
the I-4… 

A Presentation from the Mayor of Orlando

A presentation from the Mayor of Orlando, Jerry Demmings (when he was Orange County Sheriff).

Personal or professional, whatever it is you need to accomplish, you need help that actually works and shows visible results.

And fast…

Not some long-winded “process” that the profit-prioritized, cookie-cutter, conventional method focuses on.

Whatever you’ve been through in life, wherever you’re at, there is a force inside you that needs to be identified, activated, energized, and catapulted in the direction that’s right for your soul and your inherent purpose in life.

That’s what my One-on-One Orlando Life coaching experience does for you…

… and in a way that’s unique to me: a life coaching system that’s based on my award-winning research that one of America’s most famous life coaches, Jack Canfield (New York Times bestselling author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul”) called:

“Fantastic and groundbreaking.”

As seen in “The Secret” documentary, New York Times bestselling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield, calls James Sheridan’s method “groundbreaking.”

If you want to claim your best life, hire the best life coach in Orlando.

Of all the life coaches in Orlando Florida, why hire me?

Great question.
Before you hire ANYONE to help you with your life, ask yourself how much of life that person has seen and what they’ve actually done with their own life.

Especially a LIFE coach.

In short, do they walk the talk, or are they simply regurgitating feel-good books at you?

Here’s what I’ve done with my life below. Please know: I am not showing you all this to impress you; I am showing you this to impress upon you that I walk the talk, and in this way make you see that I am qualified to be your Orlando life coach:

• Award-winning and international bestselling author, speaker, and life coach since 1999. Bestselling books include “The You Code: Your New Life Map Hidden in Your Ancient Genes” and “Kiss Fewer frogs: The Fast Track to Your Fairytale Ending” 

Orlando Life Coach Books
Life Coach Orlando fl

• Former 737 airline captain. One of the youngest captains on the fleet for BMI (formerly British Midland, subsequently bought by British Airways) until 2002, when I left that career to coach full time and focus on personal development training.

• World airspeed record holder in experimental aircraft weight category. Out of Orlando FL in 1997, aircraft registration N800CB

• Formerly the youngest ever (at 20 years old) regional sales manager for Fiat Chrysler group in the UK.

• Marketing consultant. Former corporate clients have included Nasdaq-listed and Inc. 5000 companies.

• Former professional ice hockey player. First line defense. Britain’s Heineken league (equivalent to NHL).

• Internationally recognized CPD Accredited Trainer #50394. Your training is accredited, meaning it can be applied to study credits if required, and your certificate of the process is digitally immortalized on the Blockchain (unless you wish otherwise).

• British-born, American citizen, and resident of Orlando for over 20 years (kept the accent, though). Proud father of four, and happily married.

Best of all…

I actually care.

I am dedicated to results and truth. My clients become my passion. Probably too much so (just ask my wife!).

I don’t just know how to get you where you need to be. I tell you where you need to be, and where you are now.

If it’s time for you to finally get things done, roll up your sleeves and make sure you enlist a life coach who knows something about getting things done…

And in a new way; a way that isn’t generic, cookie-cutter mush pushed onto unsuspecting and trusting individuals who simply want to improve their lives…

It’s time for a new approach to life coaching

The old approach to personal development isn’t working. Just look around if you disagree…

Many of my Orlando clients come to me after having learned the hard way that pill-popping, cookie-cutter counseling methods, tired old rah-rah self-help sayings, and using Orlando life coaches who haven’t actually accomplished much in their own life themselves is not the answer.

At best, they give you a quick hit, not a lasting solution. At worst… well, they make things worse.

I am a highly disruptive force in today’s world of life coaching. There is a lot of inadequate or bad information out there and many charlatans pushing it.

And bad information is actually worse than no information!

Let me explain…

In principle, success at anything in life is simple and can be broken into just two steps:

1. Know which hoops to jump through.

2. Jump through them.

The first part is the hardest. Get that part wrong (as most people do), and, no matter how much effort you put into it, you’ll be wasting your time and money.

But we will figure out “which hoops” are right for you in our first session alone, so don’t worry…

I’m NOT here to help you figure out who you are and why you’re here…

I’m going to TELL you who you are and why you’re here.

In great detail.

I will reveal the “hoops” that are right for you. Right for You. Nobody else. And certainly not society.

From there, we focus on the second part. Together, we will jump though the right hoops for you.

And your life will never be the same again. That is not hype, it is simple FACT based on my extensive experience of working one-on-one with people in this way for over ten years.

I believe that the personal development industry is in need of a reality check. Too often, well-meaning but cookie-cutter or rookie “life coaches” tiptoe around the true barriers which are in front of your development and focus on short-term results.

Unfortunately, this gives results that are comparable to our weather here in Orlando: while plenty of Orlando, FL coaches will give your mind a few sunny days, it’s not going to stop the torrential rain from coming back in full force at some point.

Now, perhaps you have more questions, so allow me to answer them…

What other areas do I serve?

I can and often do travel anywhere, domestic or international, in the course of business, so just ask me. Usually, for my Orlando Life Coaching I don’t just serve the city of Orlando; I serve the entire Orlando metro area as well as Tampa Bay.

In what other ways can I help you?

As you may have picked up on, I’m not a one-trick pony. Here are my other specialties I can coach you with, first-hand, based on real-life experience as well as simply teaching them:

• Self-awareness, life purpose, self-acceptance, personal growth and development, happiness, inner child healing.

• Dating and relationships. I am bestselling author of the dating book, “Kiss Fewer Frogs.” Whether you currently have a partner or not, the light will suddenly go on for you and you will understand the “why and how” of all your relationships. Want to get back with your ex or fix a relationship you ruined? Find your dream partner? It’s all part of the groundbreaking process you can tap into with me as your Orlando life coach.

• Book writing- fiction and non-fiction. Don’t even write a word until we’ve discussed this. Your book title is a make or break that can also now be plugged into search traffic.

Investing and stock-trading, including cryptocurrencies. Trader for over 20 years and inventor of systems proven to be among the most profitable in the world since 1982, one of which was patented.

• Real estate investing. It’s not just the tricks and tips, it’s timing. Don’t make a move until I’ve explained the real estate cycle to you, as well as a clever way to profit from virtual real estate. And if you’re a realtor, things are about to get real with a revolutionary sales technique, not to mention digital marketing and personal branding.

• Passive income development and starting a business. Your own business should be a function of your purpose in life. Don’t begin this process until I’ve shown you how to save a lot of time and money!

• Digital marketing. It’s simple when you know how. Same stuff, new tool.

• Professional and corporate: Management, motivation, recruitment, marketing, training, sales, networking, public speaking. I have consulted to Nasdaq-listed and Inc. 5000 companies.

What about couples’ life coaching in Orlando?

Can do, love to do.

As a couple, you are one, but also individuals. Professionally and personally, I help both aspects of this equation, and integrate your independence into sacred oneness. And I love keeping couples together or reuniting them!

What about privacy?

You can feel safe that all our interactions are 100% confidential. I won’t even speak to my wife about client matters. I will not even publish any reviews or feedback you send me.

If we are going to do this, then you must be willing to completely let me in because we are going to descend into the deepest level of your psyche in our sessions together.

That means your privacy is vital to our success. You have to trust me.

What guarantee is there of success?

Life doesn’t come with guarantees, BUT I will guarantee you this much:

If your application for my life coaching is successful and you bring a “can-do” attitude to the tailored life plan I lay out for you after our first full meeting here in Orlando, following all the steps in it…

I 100% guarantee your success.

If, after the first year, you have not seen any clear improvements in your life, personal or professional, the next year is completely FREE.

How can I be so confident to offer this guarantee?

Long experience!

Bottom line is this:

My system works if you work my system!

Together, we can and will get you to wherever you need to be.

It’s a joint effort, I can’t do it without you being fully committed.

Really, the only thing stopping you is that there are only so many slots available to offer this one-on-one coaching, only so many days in my Orlando calendar…

Why are Places So Limited?

As I trust you can see from my background, I don’t really need to be a one-on-one life coach in Orlando. I also run businesses and write books as a way of changing lives, not to mention spending all the time I can with my wife and three young children.

But I choose to allow some time to be a one-on-one life coach- only here in my hometown of Orlando FL- because it grants me something that fills my soul in a way that running businesses, writing books, or even speaking at motivational events cannot grant me:

One-on-one life coaching in my hometown of Orlando lets me see first-hand the dramatic changes to my client’s life because of my help.

That’s something money can’t buy me.

I’m addicted to serving people using my special method one-on-one because I 100% know I will change their lives forever.

But I obviously can only allocate so many slots…

Your life is precious, my time is precious, there is only one of me and hundreds of thousands of people in Orlando that could do with my life coaching.

I hope we can make this happen…

What’s the Next Step?

Simply email me James@JamesSheridan.com with the subject line “Orlando Life Coach” to set up an initial consultation at my office in Orlando Florida (close to Millenia Mall- where Florida’s Turnpike meets the I-4). To ensure neither one of us wastes their precious time, this initial consultation requires a deposit of $300 which is fully refundable if either one of us decides not to proceed with the life coaching after the initial consultation. If we both decide to proceed with the life coaching, that $300 will be deducted from the annual fee of the coaching program, which is discussed at the initial consultation, based on your unique needs.

Now, my one-on-one life coaching is, sadly, subject to availability.

If there are any free slots, I then select coaching candidates based on their willingness to turn their life around. I don’t expect you to be lit up like a Disney firework; just willing to put the work in with me at your side.

I also operate a waiting list, so if not successful on first attempt I will email you when a slot becomes available.

Good luck, and I hope to speak to you soon!


James Sheridan.

P.S. Whatever happens next, please accept this free e-book with my warm regards.

As a special thanks for dropping by, please accept this free e-book, Peace of The Action: Your 7-Day Life Detox.

It’s a great place to begin!

Even if your application for my Orlando life coaching is not successful, I hope this book will help bring you peace and joy!

Orlando Life Coach

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